Bootstrapping my conda environment on local computer

Installing miniconda

On macOS

Install miniconda using brew and deny its auto activation

brew install miniconda
conda init zsh
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
conda install mamba

On Microsoft Windows

Use the official miniconda installer.

Setting-up the working environments

Installing the environments

Save one of the following environment file as environment.yml and create it by

mamba env create -f environments.yml

The mphys environment

name: mphys
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.10
  - matplotlib
  - jupyter
  - ca-certificates
  - openssl
  - scipy
  - certifi
  - pandas
  - tqdm
  - pint
  - sympy
  - yaml
  - pyyaml

The QHA/Cij environment

The troubling issue with qha is its dependency numba. Its 1.53 version requires that numpy<=1.21 and its dependency llvmlite does not compiles on M1 Macs’ arm64 architecture. In addition, scipy requires OpenBLAS. The most convenient way to is to create a conda environment for it.

name: qha
  - conda-forge
  - python=3.10
  - numba
  - numpy
  - scipy
  - matplotlib
  - pandas
  - pip:
    - qha
    - git+

Exporting a environments

conda env export --from-history

See also