Phonon non-analytical term correction
The non-analytical term correction (NAC) corrects the dynamical matrices using (Baroni, 2001, p527; Zhang et al., 2022),
where the denotes the Born effective charge and denotes the dielectric constant.
In phonopy, this is achieved by performing a separate VASP run with LEPSILON = .TRUE.
and a denser -mesh to calculate the and , then use phonopy-vasp-born
to post-process and create a BORN
- Formulations — Phonopy v.2.15.0
- Setting tags — Phonopy v.2.15.0
- Auxiliary tools — Phonopy v.2.15.0
- VASP & phonopy calculation — Phonopy v.2.15.0
- LEPSILON - Vaspwiki
- Ionic contributions to the frequency dependent dielectric function of NaCl - Vaspwiki
- Phonons & Phonopy: Pro Tips - J. M. Skelton
- Baroni, S., de Gironcoli, S., Dal Corso, A., & Giannozzi, P. (2001). Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory. Reviews of Modern Physics, 73(2), 515–562.
- Zhang, L., Wang, H., Muniz, M. C., Panagiotopoulos, A. Z., Car, R., & E, W. (2022). A deep potential model with long-range electrostatic interactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(12), 124107.