Calculating thermoelasticity with LAMMPS
According to LAMMPS’s documentation, there are three ways to compute the thermoelastic tensor in general:
- The Born-matrix method
- The stress-strain method
- The triclinic cell fluctuations that occur in an NPT simulation (seems difficult to converge)
The Born-matrix method
The elastic stiffness tensor is related to the Born matrix tensor by (Clavier et al., 2017; Krief & Ashkenazy, 2021)
where and are given by
In LAMMPS, the Born matrix is calculated using the compute born/matrix
- Clavier, G., Desbiens, N., Bourasseau, E., Lachet, V., Brusselle-Dupend, N., & Rousseau, B. (2017). Computation of elastic constants of solids using molecular simulation: Comparison of constant volume and constant pressure ensemble methods. Molecular Simulation, 43(17), 1413–1422.
- Krief, M., & Ashkenazy, Y. (2021). Calculation of elastic constants of embedded-atom-model potentials in the N V T ensemble. Physical Review E, 103(6), 063307.
- Lutsko, J. F. (1989). Generalized expressions for the calculation of elastic constants by computer simulation. Journal of Applied Physics, 65(8), 2991–2997.
- Zhen, Y., & Chu, C. (2012). A deformation–fluctuation hybrid method for fast evaluation of elastic constants with many-body potentials. Computer Physics Communications, 183(2), 261–265.
- 8.3.4. Calculate elastic constants — LAMMPS documentation
- lammps/examples/ELASTIC_T/BORN_MATRIX/Silicon at develop · lammps/lammps (