Nucleation theories

Thermodynamics of nucleation

Homogeneous nucleation

The formation energy of the spherical cluster has the expression in the form

Critical cluster with radius has , which gives

Cluster formation energy vs cluster radius , is the sum of interfacial energy and volume free energy. via Porter & Estering (p.191)

Heterogeneous nucleation


The absorption formalism (gas)

In condensed systems

In condensed systems, the number of critical clusters , the number of atoms in touch with critical clusters , and the jump frequency control the nucleation frequency.

The “classical nucleation theory” (CNT) formalism

Cluster assumption

Distribution of cluster size ( vs ). via Henry Ehrenreich Frederick Seitz David Turnbull, Solid State Physics vol. 45 (p. 86)

For a cluster of size at time , the nucleation rate is

And we have

These two equations together is called “master equation” for the system.

Cluster size

Nucleation rate

…nucleation rate at a cluster size , , is the time-dependent flux of clusters past that size.

Equilibrium state assumption

In equilibrium state , therefore,

We can have a simplified expression for flux at steady state

Steady state nucleation rate

In a true steady state, is independent of size , we therefore have

If we assume that the cluster of the critical size dominant the effect, we can recover the Volmer-Weber equation .

Zeldovich factor

Continuum approximation: Zeldovich-Frenkel equation

The continuum approximation use

A diffusion like expression

If we further include the cluster size approximation , we can obtain “diffusion term” (driven by gradient in concentration) and “drift term” (driven by free energy as function of ).

Temperature effect

The nucleation is controlled by both thermal (critical formation energy ) and kinetic term (jump frequency is controlled by ).